About the Journal

The ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original full-length research articles, review articles, and invited commentary. The journal welcomes articles on a wide range of disciplinary orientations relative to educational studies in basic and higher education. It encourages submissions from authors and scholars at any career stage that employ an array of methodological approaches. It is hoped that the journal can provide salient research findings and disseminate high quality articles to advance pedagogical knowledge and systemic practices relative to teaching and learning at the basic and higher levels of education. The ASEAN-JBHE is published tri-annually (April, August, and December) under the Philippine Association of Research Practitioners, Educators, and Statistical Software Users (PARESSU), Inc.

This is an internationally-refereed journal.

NOTE: Beginning October 10, 2023, this journal will be co-managed and co-published by ADOM D PUBLICATIONS founded by Dr. Dickson Adom of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

Audience: The journal invites researchers from all over the world who are enthusiastic to share their newest research and findings.


To ensure a seamless flow of needed papers through peer review, production, and publication, the journal encourages researchers to carefully read and adhere to the author guidelines in order to ensure that the manuscript meets the journal's standards.

  1. Manuscripts must be original, written in either American or British English (although the usage of either language should be consistent throughout the article), and have not been previously published in any academic publication at the time of submission. We strongly advise researchers to do anti-plagiarism checks on their publications before to submission using Turnitin or Grammarly.
  2. Manuscripts MUST adhere to the ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education’s article template. Authors ARE REQUIRED to download the article template directly from this online submission portal. Submit the manuscript to the online submission system using this link.
  3. The article's title should be no more than twenty words long. A title should be succinct, simple to grasp, and accurately reflect the study's substance. The title should be in the Tahoma font type, 13 points in size, single spaced, and centered.
  4. Manuscripts should be single-spaced and contain around 4000–7000 words (including References) as well as page numbers. Manuscripts that exceed the specified length will be assessed on an individual basis, with the quality of the content taking precedence. The journal makes use of an 11-point typeface in the Tahoma style, single spaced.
  5. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in MS Word format and include the author's name, affiliation, and email address(es). The first page should contain only the title and author(s) information. The second page contains the title and abstract and the rest of the manuscript file should remain anonymous for double-blind review. This is to ensure that all authors maintain their confidentiality. Kindly consider the manuscript's word count.
  6. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and include five or six keywords. The abstract should include information about the study's context, purpose, methodology and design, major findings, and implications.
  7. Manuscripts should be organized as follows: INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, and CONCLUSION.
  8. INTRODUCTION is written in three to four paragraphs or normally two pages and offers background information on the problem and the rationale for the investigation. Primary sources (particularly journal papers) are recommended and should be current.
  9. METHOD AND DESIGN should describe the article's full process and components, including the design, participants, data collection, measures or instruments, analysis approach, and statistical treatment, if appropriate.
  10. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION should be systematic and provide a succinct response to the research questions. The author(s) can choose to separate the results with the discussion section. The author(s) should include references of supporting or contradicting literature from prior investigations or studies.
  11. CONCLUSION should provide succinct responses to the objectives and make recommendations. Additionally, the author(s) should discuss the study's implications and limitations.
  12. Tables and Figures. Tables should be included in the article's main body using Arabic numerals. Tables should be inserted as close to the point of reference as possible in the text. All figures must be of excellent quality, readable, and sequentially numbered in Arabic numbers. Graphs developed in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Microsoft Excel should be provided in their native forms. Images should be included in the article's main body. All submissions should be made electronically.
  13. References. A minimum of 15–20 high-quality references are required, with at least two from the ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education, if applicable. The journal's citation and reference styles should adhere to the APA Style 6th or 7th Edition.


In the reviewing process, at least two peer-reviewers will review each manuscript and author(s) can also propose the candidate of reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision based on the recommended decisions of the two peer-reviewers. Generally, the Editor-in-Chief will select reviewers based on merit and quality of publication.

All reviewing process are in double blind peer-review and follows the OJS. After being reviewed, there will be four types of decision to be reached by the Editor-in-Chief based on the reviewers’ recommendations:

  1. Accept Submission: the submission will be accepted without revisions.
    2. Revisions Required: the submission will be accepted after minor changes have been made.
    3. Resubmit for Review: the submission needs to be revised with significant changes, and will undergo another round of review.
  2. Rejected: the submission will not be published in the journal.


The journal aims to provide open access for wide readership of the published articles. Hence, ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education levy article processing charges from the authors since the journal does not have any support from sponsoring organizations. Currently, the journal charges PhP2500.00 for Philippine authors and 0 USD for foreign authors. To encourage manuscript submission to authors from foreign countries, the journal does not charge foreign authors for the processing and publication of their articles. There are no charges for Philippine authors when he/she and the co-authors come from three different countries.


ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that adheres to the guidelines from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) in all aspects of publication ethics to which the publisher, editors, authors, and reviewers shall uphold at all times. The journal is dedicated to ensure that publications are credible and so the Editorial Board strongly condemns ethical malpractice, errors, and retractions. Any kind of unethical behavior is not acceptable, and the journals do not tolerate plagiarism in any form.

This statement clarifies the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board, the peer-reviewer­­­­­s and the publisher. 


Editors should consider the following statements in mind:

  1. The editor may approve, reject, or propose revisions to the submission based on the editorial review board's review report.
  2. Editors are accountable for each article published in the ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education.
  3. When making a final judgment, the editors may consult with other editors or reviewers.
  4. An editor must consider a manuscript for publication objectively, without regard for the authors' nationality, ethnic origin, political convictions, race, religion, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation. When a potential conflict of interest exists, he/she should decline the assignment.
  5. Editors must guarantee that the document supplied to the reviewer does not include the author's information, and vice versa.
  6. Authors should be informed of the editor's decision together with reviewers' comments, unless they contain inappropriate remarks.
  7. Editors should abide by authors' requests for an individual not to evaluate the submission if the request is well-reasoned and reasonable.
  8. The Editor-in-Chief and all Editorial team members should ensure the manuscript's confidentiality.
  9. The journal editors will adhere to COPE flowcharts in the event of suspected misconduct or contested authorship. (The Journal is not a recognized member of COPE, but adheres to COPE’s practices).

For Reviewers

Reviewers need to comment on ethical questions and possible research and publication misconduct:

  1. Reviewers will do the work in a timely manner and should notify the editor if they cannot complete the work.
  2. Reviewers need to keep the confidentiality of the manuscript during the entire review process.
  3. Reviewers should not accept to review manuscripts in which there is a potential conflict of interest between them and any of the authors.

For Authors

Authors should consider these following statements:

  1. The author(s) certify that the material has not been published previously and that they have not transferred any rights to the article to another party.
  2. The author(s) should confirm that the work is original and that they have correctly cited the work of others in accordance with the reference format.
  3. The author(s) should avoid both plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
  4. Author(s) should guarantee that they adhere to the ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education’s authorship requirements.
  5. Authors should avoid simultaneously submitting the same work to more than one journal. Additionally, the author is expected to avoid publishing duplicate submissions in many journals.
  6. Authorship should be restricted to those who made a major contribution to the study's conception, design, implementation, or interpretation. Others who have contributed significantly must be listed as co-authors. Additionally, authors confirm that all authors have seen and approved to the manuscript's submitted version and their inclusion as co-authors.
  7. The author(s) have made no reference to any personal information that would reveal the author(s) identify in any form of description, portrait, or pedigree.
  8. If there are concerns of data falsification or fabrication, the author(s) should provide the editor with the data and specifics of the study.
  9. If the author(s) discovers a serious error or inaccuracy in the submitted work at any point in time, the author(s) must notify the Editor-in-Chief.
  10. Authors of the journal should disclose all potential conflicts of interest, including employment, research costs, consultant fees, and intellectual property, to the Editor-in-Chief.


ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education ensures as possible as it could about the accuracy of all the presented information in the articles and its publications (the “Content”). However, ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education claims no warranties or representations whatsoever in terms of the completeness, accuracy, or suitability for any purpose with regard to the contents and the publications. THE JOURNAL disclaims any expressed or implied representations or warranties to the maximum extent permitted by law. The views expressed in the publications are under the authorities of the authors themselves and are not of the journal. ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education shall not be liable for any losses, claims, proceedings, actions, expenses, damages, demands, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever that directly or indirectly arise in connection with, or in relation to the use of the Contents.