Phytochemical Analysis of Black Mulberry Tree (Morus nigra)

  • Vemma Mae R Guinto
  • Adonis S Bautista
Keywords: Black Mulberry, Herbal, Medicinal Uses, Phytochemical Analysis


This study aimed to determine the phytochemical constituents of the different parts of Morus nigra such as the leaves, bark, roots, and fruits. It made use of the Qualitative Method Design and Laboratory Method Analysis. The samples were collected and prepared in Alcala, Pangasinan. Plant samples were brought to the University of the Philippines at Diliman, Quezon City for identification and authentication. Plant materials were submitted to the Industrial Technology Development

In terms of phytochemical analysis, the roots and bark is abundant in triterpenes and lacks flavonoids. The bark is also abundant in saponins. The leaves has abundant sterols and the fruits are rich in flavonoids. The beneficial phytochemical constituents are the sterols that are abundant in the leaves of Black Mulberry Tree; flavonoids that are abundant in the fruits and alkaloids that are found in traces in all the parts of Black Mulberry Tree. The hazardous phytochemical constituent are the tannins and saponins which were found in traces and moderate amounts in all of the parts of Black Mulberry Tree. The bark and roots of the tree could be used to create insect- repellent and anti-microbial solutions because of abundance of triterpenes. The leaves can be used as anti-cancer and immunity booster since it has a lot of sterols. Flavonoids in fruits could be used as anti-oxidant and heart disease preventer. However, abundant amount of saponins in the bark of the tree can cause destructive consequences in the body. It is hereby recommended that Black Mulberry Tree be cultivated and be propagated on a larger scale because of its medicinal value. The phytochemical constituents must be isolated and proximate analysis must be performed.



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How to Cite
Guinto, V. M. R., & Bautista, A. S. (2020). Phytochemical Analysis of Black Mulberry Tree (Morus nigra). ASEAN Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 6. Retrieved from